Nov 24, 2021
'Published on May 31 2020 This is the 5th week plan , the program is concentrated on your lower body and squeezes fat contained areas . Workout program: 1. Push-ups to bear walk - 4 sets and 10 reps each 2. Lazy dog jumps - 4 sets and 10 reps each 3. Plank stetch-ups - 4 sets and 30 secs each 4. V-shaped rev crunches - 4 sets and 15 reps each 5. Jumping cursty lunges - 4 sets and 20 reps each 6. Butt crunches opp hand/leg - 4 sets and 20 reps each Music: #NCS_ musics To follow on instagram: #speedy_fit I need more support from you guys Thank you #fitness #fitnessfreak #fitnesslove #gymstar #shredding'See also: